Here's something for all you Bergman fans...
"Enigmas in your Hand"
(... now, this is a transelation, so bear with me)
step by step
I'm walking
my reverb spurts close to me
I answer
my reverb comes to me
there, holding a smile
simply run away
cause the earth
I'm afraid
as she said goodbye
like a bird
on my way
Anywhere step by step
I'm walking
my re-word
still clings to me
anytime single day
I'm outside
my re-word
come to me
Well, that's about what I felt was with Bergman's opus, though I know I prolly got it wrong, still I like the scattered and phenomenonological aspect of the lines. I broke them up that way, hope it's okay.
Bergster, if you reading this, my apologies)
Ack... hmmm.... what's new I am freakin starin at the Computer for the PAst three days non-stop, I am in the business of making text, y'know, Phuck, this totally is tiring, making did-gital echoes and murmurs over the data pond... c'mon, gimmie a phreaking break here:
(scratch-scratch, reverb-reberb) old skool sneaker shue on the turn table.
Canadianana at its best.
Lotus-center here, Vancouver under the Brolly, the Wetnorther Hollywoody, where the stars come to invest in West Van realestate. I miss Summer... but I am going to CAllyfornai-eh next week! Wheee!!!
Bring my boards.
One for land one for sea!
I hope to not stare a computer for the first three days then I have to hunker down to churn out a paper on the fly [literally, will be island hopping too] (:P)
its gonna be Christmas with Coconuts.
Question where the phuck does Santa slide down if you don't have a chimnney? A PAlm tree? those things aren't exactly the smoothese poles around ( can you imagine Jolly old St. Nick at the regular NudeNudeGirls XXX bar where they have a stripper-pole practicing his Tropical maneouvers for gift delivery for little nice island kiddies) Okay, get that G-string picture Outta your mind!! This is a respectable Blog!!!
Hmm.... eww... "I saw you baby shaking that Ass...." if you remember this song in that movie, leave me a comment on that movie title, Domo Arigato.
What's new?
Hmmm..... Well, I am churning out 2 more website or else I am toast. one is pseudo intellectual and the other have to be full-blown Academia. Oh geeze... ah heck... we'll see what I can conjur okay?
In the meantime:
Chicane :"Daylight" Original Mix
ATB: Chicane's "Daylight" Remix
(yup, I like my adaptations)
Bergman: "Enigmas in oyur Hand"
Bergman: "Like a Game"
Oh yeah, this guy is kinda cool
a link from the Frou-frou 6-degrees of separation: Gardenstate
He's cool on TV as a Scrub, I prefer Scrubs more than ER anyways, then again, I like pseudo medical shows that don't take themselves seriously...
watch Regit (A Magnificent Lars Von Trier venture) and sequel
Kingdom hospital (which is a Steve King's Inc. rip-off Adaptation)
or actually work there ....
"Clean up on Bed 6"
"Enigmas in your Hand"
(... now, this is a transelation, so bear with me)
step by step
I'm walking
my reverb spurts close to me
I answer
my reverb comes to me
there, holding a smile
simply run away
cause the earth
I'm afraid
as she said goodbye
like a bird
on my way
Anywhere step by step
I'm walking
my re-word
still clings to me
anytime single day
I'm outside
my re-word
come to me
Well, that's about what I felt was with Bergman's opus, though I know I prolly got it wrong, still I like the scattered and phenomenonological aspect of the lines. I broke them up that way, hope it's okay.
Bergster, if you reading this, my apologies)
Ack... hmmm.... what's new I am freakin starin at the Computer for the PAst three days non-stop, I am in the business of making text, y'know, Phuck, this totally is tiring, making did-gital echoes and murmurs over the data pond... c'mon, gimmie a phreaking break here:
(scratch-scratch, reverb-reberb) old skool sneaker shue on the turn table.
Canadianana at its best.
Lotus-center here, Vancouver under the Brolly, the Wetnorther Hollywoody, where the stars come to invest in West Van realestate. I miss Summer... but I am going to CAllyfornai-eh next week! Wheee!!!
Bring my boards.
One for land one for sea!
I hope to not stare a computer for the first three days then I have to hunker down to churn out a paper on the fly [literally, will be island hopping too] (:P)
its gonna be Christmas with Coconuts.
Question where the phuck does Santa slide down if you don't have a chimnney? A PAlm tree? those things aren't exactly the smoothese poles around ( can you imagine Jolly old St. Nick at the regular NudeNudeGirls XXX bar where they have a stripper-pole practicing his Tropical maneouvers for gift delivery for little nice island kiddies) Okay, get that G-string picture Outta your mind!! This is a respectable Blog!!!
Hmm.... eww... "I saw you baby shaking that Ass...." if you remember this song in that movie, leave me a comment on that movie title, Domo Arigato.
What's new?
Hmmm..... Well, I am churning out 2 more website or else I am toast. one is pseudo intellectual and the other have to be full-blown Academia. Oh geeze... ah heck... we'll see what I can conjur okay?
In the meantime:
Chicane :"Daylight" Original Mix
ATB: Chicane's "Daylight" Remix
(yup, I like my adaptations)
Bergman: "Enigmas in oyur Hand"
Bergman: "Like a Game"
Oh yeah, this guy is kinda cool
a link from the Frou-frou 6-degrees of separation: Gardenstate
He's cool on TV as a Scrub, I prefer Scrubs more than ER anyways, then again, I like pseudo medical shows that don't take themselves seriously...
watch Regit (A Magnificent Lars Von Trier venture) and sequel
Kingdom hospital (which is a Steve King's Inc. rip-off Adaptation)
or actually work there ....
"Clean up on Bed 6"
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