Friday, February 19, 2010

Rediscovering Old music via new media is always a new affair, it's like discovering a new wrinkle in an old fabric, always delightful, and at times frustrating when it doesn't measure up. But for the most part, it's been Kosher. But like all things, sometimes we worry about a spot of stain or a wrinkle in the fabric... we just devote so much obsession or attention on it, we fail to see the whole shirt, or worse, the world around you, and the shirt in your hand....

It's not just a perfume: Obsession.

Now, I always have this theory that emotions, or better yet "E-motions" (thank god no one has trademarked this obviously cheesy etymological deconstructivist act) is about energy misspent.

When we are so driven to repeat a psychological high, to scratch that proverbial itch, does it actually do the affliction any better?

Funny thing is, our society is by no way a wise concensus to which we can receive sound approval, instead we get a dissonant cacophony that pulls you under like that dreaded siren-call the more you listen to it.

Truth is, our society is utterly predisposed, giving preferential treatment to some Obsessions, and to others they ignore, or worse, refute vehemently.

So, if you are a rich and multi-billionaire, they tell you that your obsession with wealth is a good thing, or that if you are poor, then, why the heck do you not contract this obsession and making something of yourself?

Sad office wage-slaves who are fed upon by sharks, in turn try to feed upon who they think are lesser than them in order to try and get ahead; displacing their anger and their frustration on their children, friends, or innocent bystanders, anything they can do to prey upon to get themselves ahead.

Are they really helping someone if they get into it because their motivating force is that they want to get something out of it, and wrapping up in their tattered fabrication of altruism?

Some people have obsessions that are socially frowned upon... overeating, alcoholism, etc, etc. But are they any worse or better than the vengeful serial killers or the money-mad out there (or in here)?

some people even wrap one obsession in another, substituting one obsession for something socially more acceptable. Greed wrapped in workaholism, or maybe lust wrapped in guilt wrapped in evangelical religiosity wrapped in sanctimonious bible thumping?

"that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet", says Shakespeare in 'Romeo and Juliet'

but in today's "designer underwear" world, i ask, would any perfume's fragrance collate with it's name? Besides, who would want to name a perfume as something so unhealthy as Obsession?

CK's Obsession, by the way, is full of toxic chemicals. and yes, you can die if you drink it :)
... just a thought.

What was the point of this again?
Oh yes, the music video,

Here is Chicane's other video " No Ordinary Morning";

of course the irony is that for the female protagonist, every morning is the same -- it is this hellish state of rejection to which she struggles to come full circle -- instead of dealing with it in recognition, she endeavours to replay the incident over and over and over Ad Nauseaum, always in a retributive manner.

How many girls and guys who had been dumped, in hindsight, secretly wished they beat their defunked Exes to the punch with the dispelling words "I think we should break-up/ see other people" ? (LOLz)

They want to be in control, in the power to sever the relationship even though they were the ones that want to keep it going.

Or perhaps the people who dwell too long on a social encounter to which they were caught speechless, humiliated and insulted, and they run the scenario round in their head again and again, trying to find the right retort, that golden retort that seethe the air as you uttered it and shrivel your opponent to a pathetic raisin of pain, hmm?

This fruitless exercise of wanting to upping the ante and returning the pain is quite taxing energetically, and so, why do people do it?

Obsesssion, not just a perfume,
because the irony is this: it stinks.


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