Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Superstore's got a cheap sale on 9-plyers
and they are all under 30$.
Shitty graphics, but decent noses and all dat.

Hmmm... i am tempted...do I really need an extra ride?
DA'mn Damn Damn... I need monies
anybody got a job-offer?


anyways, I am just looking at the Ad, and it don't look too bad...
either that or save up for a new VCR ( I got the DVD playah-- DAMn what a gadget ho I must be...c'mon now... no abusive verbiage! Play nices little boys and girls!!! Besides, i find it cheaper to buy VCDs for foreign movies ( Japanese Gangsta-jin movies, and Hong Kong Wire-Fu movies!!! Oh Yeah, who can forget Korean Cannibalistic-Horror Flicks!!?? )

THey all ROXX!

For $6 bucks a pop, compared to some asinine Hollywood rentals that goes for about the same price...I get to keep mine and not beat the clock while bookin' it to renturn the friggy rentals ( gawd knows where those have been).

The VCR is for t.v....days when I am out and I need to record some shows I wanna watch...

Don't bloody begin with me about TiVo... dude, it's expensive; unless I metamorphosize into a Yuppie, daddy here can't afford no TiVos (yet). Besides, I don't think its avail in Maple-land here yet.

I am so over the cable and satellite BS:
I have a shitty GE hand-me-Downer TV, so no matter how great the reception, the radon-screen's not gonna do it justice. So Ixnay on that.

Anyways, it's all just techno-masturbation.
Get what you need...Actually, ppl with avg. needs don't need to have all those Hi-resolution stuff, to the human eye, it's all neglegible, it's all Hype.

There is a life out there, that's interative-heavy: better than any Nintendo X-box, Virtual Simulacra representative, Icon-clicking Avatar shit. Go out there, give a smile, give hug, give a fuckin' helping hand ( um let me rephrase that... "go help someone in need"... who knows what you horn-dawg's r thinkin and prolly would warp my words) I am so sick of ppl's pseudo voyeurism watch other lives thru your fucking 20" or 30" or 50" media peep-hole.

Free yourselfs dudes. there is no agency there, only the remote clicking that makes u think there is.
At least online, you get to vent your spleen, on the t.v. what do u do but get spoonfed neon images...I prefer the real thing, high philosophically pixelated reality, where when u bleed you bleed, not this BS suburban spiel.

So, I am waitin' to see you on the flip side:o)

They Fixed it!
They Fixed it!

Everything makes sense now!!!
You Guys at Blogger ROXX!

Good on y'all!

what to write?