Since my last post, I thought it was meaningful for a pause.
But I am back now.
It seems that time does not really do much healing, it is the distancing that we have to the event that causes us discomfort that healing can occur.
Sometimes, some wounds never ever heal.
are you prepared for those?
i wonder about that Christ allegory where he healed the leper, does he mean that he offers healing for those rotting s(c/k)eptic falling to piece day by day kinda folks?
now before i continue, let me say that I am not a religious person, i do not believe in all that crap about Christianity (Catholic, Protestants, Evngelical, etc). I think it is all hooey, and I feel it is all crap and I believe it's all stupid powerless evil and base and conceited people out to make you in their own image. not Christ's or God's ( and even then, I don't want to be their cookie cuttered version. I want me to be me, but better).
But I mean to say is the inner teachings that those Christians and Religious types will never find, because they hang around in magnificient buildings, but never enter the house of the Lord. Yes I am looking at you Billy Graham, and your cronies whose been sucking cocks of HIV riddled male hustlers, and those who fuck underaged beauty pageant "Miss"es, digging their stubby fingers ringed with thick bands of gold, tell the little girl to hush up or Jesus will be angry at them...
makes you wonder how pornographically suggestive is the maxim "What Would Jesus DO?" isn't it?
Is he into the Bukkake scene, I mean he has been known, in the Gnostic Gospel of Mary Magdalene, to "speak intimately into her --", and the term speak in aramaic has connotations of "pass into" "pour into", or if you like 'ejaculate', in fact even by the 1800s, the term "the crowd joyfully ejaculated at the happy announcement" is still used.
I am sure for the Christians who waited patiently for Jesus to Come, the question they should be worrying about is, will they spit or swallow.
It would be nice to meet Christians who practice what they preach, but those are few and far between.
No wonder Satan got pissed.
Can't blame the guy.
That being said-- let's return to the inner teachings of the Annointed One
( yup,
Christos means the annointed one. It is not the same as messiah, that's another thing altogether, it's a different function. I hate it that these bible thumpers use all these terms but know fuck-all of it and we get more and more of these little shits and twats coming out of Jesus Camps without a fucking clue what they are saying)
One question that i must ask you to think about is:
WHY does Jesus speak in parables?
and then, at times he just say some really obvious things like,
"love each other" or some shit.
Is he still parablizing or is he switching modes?
Why Parable?
What does a Parable function as in the confines of speech, and in conversation?
Are we suppose to take it at face-value?
How much symbolic or metaphoric plumbing must we do?
Are there guidelines to give us ideas if we are 'getting it right'?
or are we all just winging it?
is the ambiguity a strategy of his for something else?
or is he just a puppet for Mary Magdalene? By apocryphal accounts, she know him before he went around on his rock-star circuit. And she paid for food and lodgings form him and his krewe.
Is there really a meaning that collates to everyday existence, or is he hinting at something more?
But more importantly, if you come up with your assumptions, will you be ramming it down our throats or will you keep it to yourself and not beleaguer us with it?
think about that.