Thursday, February 03, 2005

Being human

That's all that we can ask for.

The battles of Heaven and Hell Good and Evil have become nothing more than abstract ideas that have trapped us instead of being clues and prompts which to understand ehat it means to be humans. Have you ever think about how these stories are eternal and immortal? Yup, they never changes, they are immortal, im-mortal. NOT MORTAL.

And what are we?
We shit, piss, eat, fart, burp, cry , laugh and most importantly, we die, surely as we live and grow.
It's natural, it's cool, it's not a bad deal.

We never needed to go anywhere, we are already here.
It's who we are and instead of enjoying and meditating and appreciating who we are, why are we so desperate to be something else, and be something we are not??

Maybe it's something we think is good because it's so rare:

The moment when we have shit and pissed, and having drunk and ate, that after burp satiation, we feel like we can do anything-- suspended in that split second, when our body is quiet, and we can be gods, but then what?
what is it that we can do? it's like a child creating a storm in the bath tub that he is in. It's still our world there is nobody else, and we make a mess, for what? because we're the ones who have to clean it up.

Little vanities.
the term is vanity
the person who has vanity is vain
and the things he do is in vain... it's not a coincidence that vain means for no purpose and for nothing.

why is good and evil so desperate to recruit us? who is there trying to make promises for good or for bad.
eternity a heavenly existence
or earthly power and wealth.
sounds good, but what for?

I am opting to walk away.
Let good and evil fight.
I am thinking that, if good and bad are so immature that they have to resort to fighting to solve their problems, I am not going to partake in that. there is still beauty in the sunset there is still lessons in despair. I am human, the point is that I laugh and I cry, the point is that I will fudge and make mistakes, and at certain moments shine out with saintliness to redeem somebody, someone, something.

I am human, I choose the 3rd path. the middle path , not right, nor left.
I don't know if there is heaven or hell, or nothing. but so what?
Maybe there is nothing waiting for me, maybe I just rot, at least i am honest in my rotting, and not dreaming that i come out of death with a indestructable body and living forever, or become some demonic vampire living forever too.

it's life.
life which means that there is death

I choose life because there is death inherent.
I don't know if it is better to live forever, if nothing ever changes.
I rahtrer laugh to show that positive ecstasy, and cry because there is beauty in the admittance of sadness.
there will be poverty in the world ther will be richers, disappointment, inspiration. that's life.

I do want to say that,
if we choose this third path, ther may be ppl who will be out there who do not subscribe, and continue to act in the thrall of predominant ideas, and may make life difficult for you, so it is up to us to see the way through ourselves, and not let them affect us.
it's their choice of life, they are entitled to that.

Why do we strive so hard to be more than we are?
We laugh at the bodybuilder who's all steroided out and is bigger than his skeletal frame can sustain, and why is that? Why are we so eagle to distort ourselves, to warp ourselves to some ideal that is outside of ourselves?

I like talking to bodybuilders, cuz its interesting, the super big guys always say they wanna be "super-freaky" . And that's cool, it's their perogative. Just like the Monks who wants to be Abstain from meat and sex and wine. It's all a choice, or the Hedonist eho wants to sample every pleasure, the misanthrope who wants to perform genocide on an ethnic race, or the man who wants to be the most powerful or richest or whatever in the world.

Why this desire to escape the mortal? The human?
Why, instead of defining what is human,
we have defined the Good and the Evil, the Light and the Dark?

We have ancient Wisemen who can calculate the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin, or how many cubits a demon of the air can inhabit all at once? Why not just calculate how long we get to live? Heh, so you say there are people who that, they're called insurance agents. True Dat, but really is that what they are doing? Why can't calculate how many smiles we have in alife time? the number of times we cry, what is the mystical experience when we feel when we look up at the clear blue summer sky or dig our feet into the sand on a beautiful beach?

Humans Experience can be that esoteric too.
Why do we, then, keep short changing it.
Inventing these abstract gods and devils and demons and totally forgetting about being humans in the meantime?
Or that we are so desperate to run away and make ourselves immortal-- and hoping that'll make us live forever.

This Above All, to thine own self be true.
We are Humans, and humans we were, are, and will be. There is no shame in needing to piss, shit, burp and fart, we all do it. We fudge, we forget, and honestly, do you really want to remember EVERYTHING? All the hurts in your life? For me, I don't want to, unless I get to remember all the joys too.

Stop for a moment and recount every joyful experience you have been in... how many are there? And now, count the sad stuff... is it more? I bet it usually is for th emajority of us. Because that's how we are, we are humans.

And do this if you have alittle more time, I want you to keep recalling all the happy stuff once everyday for a week, and see how long you need to reach that smile on your face... I bet it takes alittle longer everytime... but if you remember the sad stuff, it's the direct opposite, we take shorter a time to feel the sadness than yesterday.

There are possible explanations about it, but no one have spent too much time on these things, they prefer not to think on it, but they will think about the money making schemes that will deliver them form it, or they think about God, or the Devil to GET AWAY FROM ALL THIS.

Why do we align ourselves to these two polarity of the stories, why do we want to escape this mortality so much?
Is it because of its greatest kicker? We WILL DIE?

okay, but have you seen any living thing that doesn't? No because in order to live, we are mortal, and only when we are not mortal (thus immortal) that we don't die. Them the breaks, but is it so bad? to die?

I dunno... I don't think so.

I think death isn't something to be taken too personally, it's not GOD being angry with you, or the DEVIL wanting to spoil your fun, thems the breaks just the nature of who we are.

Before you cash in your chips and go join the Light Brigade or the Dark Brotherhood, ask yourself this. Ask yourself, have you ever truly think about being human?

It's an interesting hand we've been dealt no?
We have the ability to undo what nature have taken a millenia to do, namely push a pebble from the bottom of the ocean to the shore, with a flick of a wrist we can undo it all. What distance that would take a snail days to traverse, we can pick it up and set him across the road from crushing wheels and feet, so that it'll live. We can intervene, intercede and interfere.

In the meantime, we can laugh and cry and shit and piss, and taste and live. Everything live will die and all earthly pleasures will come and go. There are no immortal pleasures that I know of yet... so why are we trying so hard to sustain it all? Why do we fuck around, trying to maintain an unending orgasm, or poke needles in us for that all time high, or kneel and flagellate ourselves for that ecstasis of holiness and penitence all at once?

What about human joys? that smile, that laugh, that good cry, that good workout at the gym, that bite of doughnut or chocolate? It's mortal, we're mortal, what more can we ask? Why do we try to trascend or distort humaness? Why not just enjoy humaness?

I am not talking about dedadent lifestyle, just accepting the pleasure of the everyday, be in the moment, enjoy the pleasure of simple stuff. That means as we strive to get the carviar, we don't forget the pleasure of the sweet apple we are biting into.